Monday, February 7, 2011

Reviving Jarrah Outdoor Furniture

good Taaag,
my day is super boring, in the morning was bad and I had a headache and I stayed at home Then it was better and I was bored, but boredom is not so bad when I think of it that I do even now would be in school. Ugh.
Then I gelatscht with my camera through the apartment and thought I'd get absurdities photographed, then I luckily the old analog SLR fallen into the hands of my father and I had a new toy. : D I'm kind of fascinated by it, probably because it's bugging me that any idiot is' ne fat camera buying couple makes Selbstportaits in the mirror, all in SVZ and it is "photography" is the name. Argh. Okay, I digress. Anyway, I love the idea of grad to edit anything and only make a small, limited number of photos to a Film. I think this one tries to use the film as good as possible and there is much more difficult than with digital cameras that take pictures so you can delete the 990 thousand pictures and failed again. : D
And here is the darling (and my other boredom Knips shops). Google for 'Ner round I've also figured out how it opens to purely imitate a movie. : D


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