Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gallstones Causing Nerve Damage

OLD LINEN ......

... I brought with me from a trip to the Gwatt
last Thursday!
I'm Daniela from "White Dream" in their total hearted
shops visited, it is definitely worth a visit!
whole lot of nice little thing waiting there for all who
with Shabby "what have the hat!
I am now a pile of old embroidered linen into
engraved eye, to an old linen tablecloth that seems to come from the same

All in wonderful condition,
after one pass in the washing machine and the deck edges
have disappeared. Daniel told me kindly also
a huge piece of cloth given, and a sweet Osterhasi moreover, has itself
the cast.

Daniela, I once again thank you very much for this relaxed and very comfortable
afternoon and your love gifts!
We'll see you again so soon, I am to it!


And if we are on the linen for a present!
When Sandra / style means I once again ordered what she has always
such great things!
This time they sent me down to a wonderfully fragrant lavender linen heart
which now hangs on one of my old cabinets.
Sandra, you have given me a great pleasure so, THANK YOU!


Something completely different: In the last
Time I can not say enough
get for lettering, now are the
doors of our house decorated with it:

on our light gray doors they make wonderful, and now
also knows everybody, it's done with us .... O)))!


So, girls, that's it!
I wish you a beautiful Sunday, all who have to work
a good start to the week and everybody a happy,
jubeltrublige to dance the carnival!

Best regards, see you soon,



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